At Europass Italian Language School we pride ourselves on our teaching philosophy of 'personal and professional', which we believe creates a supportive and fun education environment for all of our students.
Our personable and enthusiastic teaching staff allows for a fulfilling and effective learning experience tailored to the individual level and needs of each pupil, from total beginners to post-intermediate students, and a result we believe Europass is the perfect environment to travel and broaden your horizons by learning the world's most romantic language in the beautiful and culturally rich city of Florence!
Preise und Kursarten
Alle Kursgebühren beinhalten: Kurse wie beschrieben, Einstufungstest und -gespräch am ersten Tag, Kurszertifikat, Unterrichtsmaterial, Information und Orientierungshilfe über Florenz bei Ankunft, Organisation der Freizeitaktivitäten, kostenfreier Internetzugang (auch W-LAN), Bibliothek, Videothek.
Spartipp: Je länger die Kursdauer, desto günstiger die Preise pro Woche!